Lun/Gio: 09:00 - 12:00 - Mar/Mer: 15:00 - 18:30

Training Standards

L’EAC nasce nel 1991 con la finalità di promuovere lo sviluppo ed il riconoscimento del counseling a livello europeo, nonché di stabilire gli standards formativi necessari a livello europeo per tale riconoscimento/accreditamento. Vedi nel sito “common effort to establish counseling as a European profession”.

Gli standard formativi attualmente richiesti dall’ EAC prevedono una formazione teorico/pratica non inferiore alle 950 ore, le quali devono includere almeno 50 ore di percorso personale e 450 di pratica professionale supervisionata.

Definition of Terms

1. Course Work
This refers to an in-depth training in counselling, that includes the syllabus that enables the trainee counsellor to develop the core competencies as outlined in the section entitled Training Programme. At best this will normally be an integrated training within an established training programme, which employs an external examiner, has an appeals procedure and is recognised by the local National Association for Counselling. This training will be exclusive of any primary academic degree already obtained.
2. Personal Development
The following are general guidelines for each training programme to be implemented according to their specific theoretical approach. The purpose of this component is to facilitate:
  1.  Awareness of personal issues in the work and how these might influence the counselling process;
  2. On-going development in:
    – intellectual understanding and knowledge
    – emotional maturity
    – acceptance of self and others;
  3. Experience of being in the client role, wherever possible within a formal professional counselling relationship;
  4. Development of a global perspective of self in relation to the world.
3. Supervised Counselling Practice
Will normally take place within a formalised and contracted counselling arrangement. Please go to Supervision for more details.

Training Requirements

  • 450 hours of course work including theory and skills;
  • A minimum of 50 hours of personal development consistent with the model of practice;
  • 450 hours of supervised counselling practice.

The above hours will normally be completed in a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 years.

Personal Commitment

 From the start of training and post-qualification counsellors will:
  • Sign their agreement to maintain the relevant codes of ethics and practice;
  • Hold professional liability insurance where one is possible locally;
  • Have on-going counselling supervision;
  • Ensure continuing professional development.
